TheCoin405's GitHub Presentation

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Presentation and profile

Hi my name is Hans Åhlin a.k.a: TheCoin405,
I started at the young age of 4 and I've been active in the tech-sceen since then.
I started learning computer logic and the principles of computer programming at the age of 7.

I am currently in the progress of moving away from the North part of Sweden, I'm thinking of moving back to Stockholm mostly because I miss the pace, opportunities and social climate that a larger town offers. At the moment I'm looking for a job where I can use my knowledge, develop my interest in a social environment. Previously, I have been a self-employed and focused on Business analyzes, support, service, software/system development, designing and building system solutions. I am more or less native to the industry, and been active since a young age, being social and creative, I have the habit of presenting and finding solutions based on the interests and needs of the customer.

Former, Gamer / Modder, which is something I'm about to resume. I build and design own rigs, built-in solutions.
I have been on parental leave for the last 4 years.

Briefly about myself:

I continued to evolve my interest for technology Since the age of 4 when I got my first computer (a Mac II 1987) I have continued to explore and studied different technical areas.
I am very creative when it comes to finding solutions for different needs. If I do not have anything to do in my spare time, I think of different problems, needs and solutions, or I'll test-out some of my ideas.
I used to run my own business but since I became a parent I had to put that on ice. I felt that there weren't enough time to be able to run a business and taking care of 2 and later 3 infants, so I dissolved my company the fall of 2013 and went on full-time parental leave.


Areas of Expertise:

Latest education and grades:

Timeline / History:

Profile picture